Avoid scams on dating websites
Last Update : May 10, 2018
Learn how to spot dating website scams and deftly avoid them. To the same degree that dating sites are increasingly attracting a lively interest amongst internet users, dating scams are becoming more and more commonplace on these very platforms, even the most respectable ones. Whether they come from other site users or from the site itself, rip-offs on dating sites are an unfortunate reality. It is therefore essential to choose a reputable website when embarking on a search for a partner in order to make your online dating a success and to avoid any traps set by on-line crooks. Here are some tips that we recommend for singles who are eager to construct, or re-construct, their love-life.

The most common scams on dating sites
Signing up for a dating site is sometimes a consequence resulting from a drawn out period of solitude and emotional deprivation which can render some single people particularly fragile. Dating sites have the advantage (and the disadvantage) of being very easy to access, so they represent a wide open door for any intruder with criminal intent. Amongst the most common scams, unauthorised use of the internet user’s image and privacy are the ones that have been most frequently reported. Indeed, some confidence tricksters go so far as to adopt your image for commercial purposes, making money off your back. Worse: instances of identity theft with men posing as women and vice versa.
The most widespread amongst dating scams, and with the heaviest consequences, are the false profiles of unscrupulous individuals who do not hesitate to trick their victims by playing on their sentiments. Many singles have “virtually” fallen in love with tricksters of this kind, con artists whose only goal is to get hold of their victims’ money. Here, the offence is called taking advantage of the weaker party, and could turn out very expensive! So, beware of those who declare their passion too hastily, especially if they then mention money problems.
One last classic case: the swindler who uses your personal information to extort money from you. In principle, this situation usually applies to people of influence, but just about any unfortunate person could end up facing such threats. Whether the intent is to stream a video or diffuse personal information against your will, the perpetrator will not hesitate to do so, unless you write a small (big) cheque …
How to spot the confidence tricksters of love
In spite of the above situations, ninety percent of those who register on dating websites are as honest as you are, so there is no reason not to attempt the adventure, no reason to become paranoid about scams. Following some simple rules can prevent you from falling into the clutches of con artists. To begin with, be aware that you should never offer any personal contact information on a dating site, such as your address or telephone number.
Actually, these thieves are “easy” to unmask since they are generally very reluctant to meet you in real life, so if this person is repeatedly unavailable for a first encounter, always coming up with stories of unexpected setbacks or other excuses: flee. Finally, whoever shares financial problems with you and promptly asks you to help is definitely not a victim, rather this is a crook who is trying to coax and cajole you.
On dating sites, you have to exercise judgement and not be naive. If a large number of single people are looking for love, there is also the dating scam pro who would not hesitate to sell you the moon in order to steal your money or use your personal data without your consent. So, just be careful, and promptly suggest a first encounter in order to immediately sift out the confidence tricksters.